Reflexology sessions are for people of all ages, from the newborn to the elderly, for a general tune-up or for an unhealthy body.
The vast majority of people usually realize the benefits of reducing stress which in turn minimizes physical symptoms. Reflexology in conjunction with other forms of therapies complements ongoing medical treatments.
Reflexologists do not diagnose medical conditions unless qualified to do so. The only diagnosis made is a "tender reflex." A reflexologist will refer to other qualified health care practitioners when services required are outside the reflexologist's scope of practice.
Similarly, reflexologists do not prescribe medications unless qualified to do so. The therapeutic intervention is limited to "working the reflexes."
A complete Reflexology Session is performed on both feet. The session, depending upon what is required will last 45 to 60 minutes.
Using a firm pressure, the reflexes are worked according to the client’s require-ments. Stress removal is the first priority followed by enhancing circulation.
The pressure exerted from the Reflexologist usually ranges from 0 to 10 or 20 pounds. Reflexology is not meant to inflict pain and common sense dictates when less pressure is required.